Finally a new wonderfully clear Website
I am so pleased to announce the launch of my new website. It has taken a while. It has been a steep learning curve for me this last year. Now with all my new skills I can continuously update this site and let you know about all my new textile designs and colour ways. Web site designer Stephen Smith and team from Slightly Different have shown great patience. I would like to acknowledge the wonderful help I have received from friends and family. Daniel Allen made the wonderful film about the design development of the William Morris Skirt, this has been shot over the last few years. Grant Sterling did an amazing job taking all the studio shots of the skirts, the boots and shoes were from Taylors we love shoes . I am grateful to the models Sarah and Inge, wearing my MADCAT clothes featured on this site. The text has been proof read by two dedicated women, Anita and Jocelyn, their skills are amazing, please let me know if you find any errors, as they were probably mine.
Regular News letters will now be coming your way via Mail Chimp. They will only arrive when I have something interesting to tell you, perhaps a design that is about to be scraped so you can order it before it has gone forever or the launch of a new textile design.
I have enjoyed posting photographs of my artwork on instagramme and love following other artists from around the world. I am yet to master Pintrest but I know I need to.
I would be very grateful if you could add your reviews to the products in the e shop as testimonials are the best way to let other people know that I have a great product and excellent customer service.
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