Please place your garment into a NZ pre paid postbag or for overseas customers place into a plastic satchel/bag and take to post office.
If this is artwork please reuse bubble wrap packaging, taking care to protect the corners of the work
please address all parcels to
Founders Heritage Park
Atawhai Drive
Nelson 7010
New Zealand
then please contact me so I know it is about to arrive
NZ consumer guarantees Act applies to all garments and artwork on this site and please contact me if you think anything is faulty or not fit for purpose so that I can put it right. I press and pack every garment myself, so I am optimistic that you will be more than satisfied.
The Consumer Guarantees Act (CGA) protects consumers by, among other things: allowing them to seek repairs, replacements or refunds when goods are faulty. setting minimum guarantees that apply to all products and services.
All full priced , unworn stock size MADCAT garments complete with swing tags that are ordered on line can be exchanged for any other MADCAT product, purchased on line or in person from me at my workshop or The Nelson Market. I have extended my change of mind policy to include a money back guarantee for all MADCAT garments purchased on line, returned to the MADCAT Nelson workshop within 10 working days of purchase. The money back, change of mind, guarantee does not extend to MADCAT garments purchased in person, from me at my workshop or The Nelson market.
Exceptions to this are
1-Made-to-measure MADCAT garments, these can not be exchanged but will be altered until you are happy with the fit at no extra cost to you other than the return postage.
2-Worn or washed MADCAT garments
3- Sale , End of Line or Reduced priced MADCAT garments

If your skirt arrives and it is TOO BIG
If you can fold a thumb nails length (2cm) on the double fabric of both sides of the skirt at the waist and the hip (20cm/8″ below the true waist ) then you need a whole size smaller. Please return your skirt so I can send you a size smaller.
If only the waist or the hips are too big then please use dressmaking pins to make the skirt fit and return it to me and I will alter it for you. Ideally take your skirt in on the side seams but if this is difficult just take it in anywhere, secure it with a pin and I will work it out. There is an $18 alteration fee for changing the waist band, $5 for an alteration to the hip line or $18 for both. This includes the courier fee.
If your skirt waist is TOO SMALL
If you order a stock standard size skirt and the waist is too tight. Put your skirt on back to front, close the zip as far as you can and then measure the gap between the hook and eye on the waistband. This will tell me how much larger your waistband needs to be. All skirts are designed to have their waistbands increased by up to 6 cm. There is a charge of $18 to unpick and replace the waistband. This includes the return courier / post
If you want your skirt to have a waist size more than 6 cm larger than standard, no problem. Just return your skirt and I will make you a made to measure skirt with the waist measurement you need..
If your MADCAT skirt is too tight on the hip it will need to be returned for a larger size or we can start the made to measure service. None of the MADCAT printed skirts can be let out on the hipline without a gap in the print accouring .
If your skirt arrives and it’s TOO SHORT
If your MADCAT skirt is a stock size then please return it so I can make you a “made to measure” skirt the length you want. If you have ordered a shorter than standard / stock skirt please contact me or phone and we can talk through your options. The deep hems do mean you can lengthen the skirts but very often a fold line is left behind from the original hem edge. This can be camouflaged with a row of top stitching but this will reduce the skirts ability to stretch on the bottom edge.
If your skirt arrives and it’s TOO LONG
If your MADCAT skirt is a stock size then please return it so I can make you a made to measure skirt the length you want. If you have ordered a longer than standard / stock skirt please contact me or phone and we can talk through your options. Everything can be fixed.
A skirt that is altered to make it shorter may result in part of the print being chopped off.
If you order a longer skirt I move the print down the skirt so that the position of the print looks balanced within the new length.
MADCAT garments even 2 years old or more can be altered to fit or repaired, you do not even need to be the original owner of the skirt. There is a small cost for this please contact me and we can take it from there.
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION is important to me
Should your MADCAT skirt not live up to its expected use then it is very important to me that your return it so I can made it right immediately.
I am open to feed back on how I can improve both the MADCAT product and the service to you as a customer.
Please contact me if you want to talk through your options before ordering. Every satisfied customer is important to me. Life is too short to be wearing clothes that do not fit you and here you have a choice.

Please contact me so we can talk this through.